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Helping YOU

Reach YOUR Potential

Doing Homework

About Helen


As an educator, and consultant specializing in dyslexia, Helen draws upon over 25 years of teaching experience and a lifetime passion for helping others.

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University was Inspiring

Helen graduated from Guelph University in 1985 with an Honours Degree in Child Studies, with an emphasis on exceptional children.


The comprehensive program provided a strong base for her future educational career but she was most influenced by the teachings of Robert Munsch (her professor and the now celebrated children’s author) and his wife Ann.


Helen learned from them the art of facilitating self discovery, the subtleties of communicating respect and compassion and the importance of treating children as unique individuals.


These values became rooted in her teaching methods and later in her private practice, working with both children and adults.

Professional services described as Davis™, Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Math Mastery® may only be provided by persons who are employed by a licensed Davis Specialist, or who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators by Davis Dyslexia Association International.

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